Workshops in Residence
Wir haben große Freude daran, das, was wir in mehr als 20 Jahren Erfahrung gelernt und entdeckt haben, mit anderen zu teilen und es uns so noch mehr zu eigen zu machen und tiefer zu verstehen. PerpetuoMobileTeatro veranstaltet Intensiv-Workshops, deren Themen von der Interpretation über die Improvisation bis hin zur Kreation reichen und die sich an Profis, Semi-Profis sowie Studenten der darstellenden Künste richten. Die Workshops entwickeln sich ständig weiter, und die Termine werden fortlaufend aktualisiert.
Bitte setz euch mit uns in Verbindung, wenn ihr Fragen habt oder euch anmelden möchtet.
Nächster Workshop: „The words of the body“ 19. bis 23. April 2025
The Words of the Body
A journey of learning and experimentation rooted in daily training and movement research, nourished by improvisation, passing through interpretation, exploring composition in physical theatre, ultimately leading to original creation. Each participant, starting from their own pre-existing material or a new idea, will have the opportunity to apply teachings and practices to create and present their own framework and analyze it with the working group.
• Physical training and partnerwork
• Proprioception and perception
• The qualities of movement
• Improvisation and score development
• Dramatizing movement
• Creation and composition
• Staging
The body is depth, a space that welcomes, hosts, and manifests. The goal of physical training is to discover and release the connections between its parts, refining perception and moving toward a state of transparent and precise presence. Through exploring contact with the ground, centers of gravity, weight, impulses, and partnerwork, we will engage in a playful dialogue with the body and the space.
The body-voice, with its manifold expressive possibilities in relation to a constantly evolving space and a time to be mastered, will serve as the tools to translate ideas into scenic actions that are both concrete and symbolic. To dramatize movement means to create a composition that carries meaning and tension, is readable, and capable of engaging the audience on physical, emotional, and intellectual levels.
Location: Spazio ELLE, Locarno, Switzerland.
Dates and times: April 19 – 23, 2025
09:30-12:30 / 14:00-17:00
17:00-18:00 Free room for individual work
Participation fee: 490.- CHF/€
Including accommodation: 630 CHF/€
(from April 19 to 24)
min 8 – max 12 participants
Early booking (until February 23): 430.- CHF/€
or 550.- CHF/€ including accommodation
Accommodation available at Spazio ELLE
Guesthouse with 2 rooms (4 beds each).
Shared kitchen available for all participants.
Info and registration:
Download teacher’s Bio
What is the spark that gives birth to a face, a character, a story, a destiny?
Mask-making: giving shape
From modeling clay to plaster negative, from papier-mâché to stucco, to color: a craft process structured in precise steps, where creativity follows the timing dictated by the materials. The workshop is aimed at those interested in discovering or deepening the process of creating a theatrical mask. Some manual dexterity and prior experience are definitely helpful, but not a prerequisite.
• Clay modelling
• Plaster negative
• Paper preparation
• Papier-maché mask
• Cutting eyes and edges
• Grouting
• Finishing and painting
From its conception in the mind to its encounter with the material in the construction process, the mask is a powerful engine for imagination. Observing the interplay of lines, volumes, and proportions awakens sensitivity to what the form conveys and develops the ability to transfer it into a convincing expression. The final form emerges through a constant dialogue between the creator and the material, which continuously changes throughout the modeling process, providing unexpected input that suggests a new twist to the vision.
Do you want to bring your mask on stage? Complete your experience by signing up also for Masquerade_2!
Location: Spazio ELLE, Locarno, Switzerland.
Dates and times: Autumn 2025
09:00-12:30 / 14:00-17:30
Participation fee: 600.- CHF/€
Including accommodation: 760 CHF/€
Early booking (date to be confirmed): 530.- CHF/€
or 670.- CHF/€ including accommodation
min 6 – max 8 participants
Accommodation available at Spazio ELLE
Guesthouse with 2 rooms (4 beds each).
Shared kitchen available for all participants.
Info and registration:
Download teacher’s Bio
What is the spark that gives birth to a face, a character, a story, a destiny?
Acting with masks: giving body
A workshop dedicated to acting with masks, starting from the body and its endless possibilities of gathering and developing impulses, transforming them into organic, moldable material.
A specific physical training that will prepare us to meet and give body to the mask. A journey of discovery and analysis of the elements that will allow us to create a character and shape it, making it expressive and believable. An opportunity to get to know the company’s work up close, beyond and outside the performances, by engaging with its research on physical theatre and mask theatre.
• Physical training (activity/passivity)
• Leading point, trace, tone and tempo-rhythm
• The 4 elements and temperaments
• Improvisation and inner monologue
• The half-mask and the body-voice
• The full mask and the non-verbal
• The relationship with the audience and the character
We will awaken and nourish the imaginative process, by activating and developing connections between tensions, body postures, physical sensations and emotions. We will cultivate sensitivity in recognising and making space for inner impulses and external stimuli, as well as the confidence to use them as material for creation, in that realm of freedom where everything is in constant change. We will make all of this available to the masks, embodying them and inducing them to reveal themselves in a ball that is both intimate and worldly, sacred and profane.
Location: Spazio ELLE, Locarno, Switzerland.
Dates and times: Autumn 2025
09:30-12:30 / 14:00-17:00
17:00-18:00 Free room for individual work
Participation fee: 490.- CHF/€
Including accommodation: 630 CHF/€
Early booking (September 29): 430.- CHF/€
or 550.- CHF/€ including accommodation
Accommodation available at Spazio ELLE
Guesthouse with 2 rooms (4 beds each).
Shared kitchen available for all participants.
Info and registration:
Download teacher’s Bio